Careers at salt + smoke

Ready to join the team at Salt + Smoke? Explore job opportunities with us below.



BBQ, bourbon, and beer are what we do, but people is who we are.

Our Values

Make Happy Happen

We advocate and act for our guests and besties with empathy, support, and generosity to find our “YES!” through inspired hospitality.

Lead With Your Heart

We create and maintain an inclusive, open, and personal community through our commitment to collaboration and communication.

You Can’t BBQ On Your Heels

We vigorously and excitedly embrace challenges with confidence in our team and pride in our product.

Browning Is Integral To The Flavor

We provide outstanding experiences through exceptional food service by taking the time and effort to get it right.



Salt + Smoke creates a superior work environment, where our team members are proud of where they work. This pride is created through teamwork, constant education and providing guests with an exceptional dining experience with a genuine care for the quality of the food, atmosphere, and service. Our team is the most important part of our business.  Through shared support, we grow together.



Salt + Smoke can only prosper and provide opportunities for employment and growth when we continually improve ourselves and the work we do. We recognize, however, that success is not measured by sales, guest counts, and numbers alone. Salt + Smoke is measured as much by the way in which we achieve our goals as we are by the actual achievements themselves—it’s the journey, not the destination. We believe that a commitment to uncompromising values and integrity should always guide our decisions and actions as we pursue our goals.